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Churchill High School

C-Hill Yearbook for Seniors

Posted Date: 3/04/25 (:15 AM)

Churchill Seniors and Families, 

We want to guarantee that anyone wanting a  Yearbook gets a yearbook. So please preorder before the end of March to guarantee that your senior receives their yearbook.

Yearbooks are now on sale for $65. You can purchase them on SchoolPay or in the Finance Office.

Last Chance to Proof - This week is the last week to check your yearbook proof portraits.


Double-check: if anything is missing that should be there. 
We had to reflow the names a couple of times to get some last-minute additions in. So even if it was right before, just double-check. See Jamie Bennett for corrections or email if you have any final concerns.

It is too late for additions, but please let us know if anything is absolutely missing or wrong.