Happy Spring Break Eve! It has been a busy week here at Churchill. We hosted students from both Kennedy and ATA for 8th-grade visitation and will be hosting an 8th-grade parent night on April 2nd. The counselors have been busy doing forecasting for next year and we have been planning for the upcoming district-wide testing day on April 18th. There will be more information in the coming weeks so keep an eye out.
Springs sports as they are in Oregon have been on-again-off-again depending on the weather, but we were able to host a softball game and the track team had a meet earlier this week. Hopefully, we will soon have warm weather in our future so we can all get out and support our teams.
The Lancer Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band had a concert on Tuesday! Nice job Christopher Mudd and students on an impressive concert.
Go, Lancers!
Justin Huntley
Interim Principal
3/24 – 28 — SCHOOL CLOSED
Monday, 3/ 31 — NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, 4/1 — CLASSES RESUME
Monday, 3/31 — NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, 4/1 — B DAY
Wednesday, 4/2 — A DAY
Peer Tutoring at Lunch
Churchill Food Pantry, 3:00 – 4:00 PM
8th Grade Parent Night, 6:00 PM
Thursday, 4/3 — ADVISORY B DAY
University of Mississippi Virtual College Visit, 11:45 am
Friday, 4/4 — A DAY
Choir Concert, 5:00 pm
Monday, 4/7 — B DAY
Tuesday, 4/8 — ADVISORY A DAY
Minneapolis College of Art and Design Virtual College Visit, 11:45 AM
EWEB - Eugene Water & Electric Board Career Visit, 12:15 PM
Wednesday, 4/9 — B DAY
Peer Tutoring at Lunch
Churchill Food Pantry, 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Thursday, 4/10 — C DAY
US Army Visit, 11:45 AM
Friday, 4/11 — NO SCHOOL
Please congratulate the following students who competed at the Japan Bowl (JPN language and cultural knowledge competition) with other 100 HS students in OR, WA, ID at Clark College in WA on Saturday, the 15th.
Level 2:
Team 1
Lyla Simonen
Sofia Tada
Team 2---- The 1st place!!
Evan Lopez
Ember Marcle
Oliver Muncell
Level 4:
Chris Chapman
McKayla Chapman
Cadence Le
Congratulations to the Lancer Band Ensembles—Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band—on a stunning concert on Tuesday! Our own Maestro, Christopher Mudd, has truly done some incredible work with our students.
The picture on the left is of Wind Ensemble. The columns flanking the proscenium are for the upcoming spring musical, Spongebob: The Musical.
Again, congratulations, Chris and instrumentalists!
Professor Matthew Svoboda, Director of Choirs at Lane Community College, will be working with the Churchill Choral Collective (combined CHS choirs) on Thursday, March 20, 2025, during 7th period in the Choral Rehearsal Room. In preparation for the OSAA State League Choral Assessment in Grants Pass, OR, on Thursday, April 10, 2025, they will sing their four choral assessment pieces for him, and he will provide feedback on things for them to consider for improvement. Please contact Dr. Jones at jones_ju@4j.lane.edu if you have questions about attending the Choral Assessment in Grants Pass or visiting us during our session with Professor Svoboda.
Thanks to a Eugene Education Foundation grant, we are bringing two published authors to Churchill this year! These events will be held in the library during the school day. Some Language Arts classes will attend. Students who want to attend individually need to preregister in advance with Debbie or Jennifer in the library and get permission from their Period 2 teacher.
Friday, April 25th
Emily Halnon lives in Eugene and wrote the memoir, To the Gorge: Running, Grief, and Resilience & 460 Miles on the Pacific Crest Trail. Emily set the overall record (not just the women's record) for the fastest known time on the 460 miles of the Oregon Pacific Crest Trail. She will discuss her writing and publishing experience as well as her experience running ultra-marathons and the Pacific Crest Trail.
Pick up a FREE lockbox for your handgun, rifle, and/or medication at the Churchill front office or talk to your student's counselor.
Suicide is a leading cause of death among young people in Oregon and has recently increased in Lane County. The district is working with public health and other partners to provide families with information and resources for suicide prevention.
There are steps you can take to help keep your family members safe if they experience an emotional crisis or think about suicide. One important measure is to reduce easy access to things that could be dangerous to them: “lethal means.” Lethal means include firearms, prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, sharp objects, belts, cords, and cables.
Reducing access to lethal means saves lives. Most people who live through a suicide attempt do not later die by suicide. Suicide attempts using firearms are very likely to be fatal.
Firearms, medications, and other lethal means can be restricted by removing them or locking them in secure storage. It is essential that youths cannot know the combination or be able to get the key. Lockboxes are being offered to 4J families at no charge.
More Information:
Course Requests (Forecasting)
The past few weeks, School Counselors have been visiting Language Arts classes to forecast for next year. When making course choices, students are encouraged to reflect on their goals for life after high school and to ensure that graduation requirements are met. Students have entered their course requests in StudentVUE. You are encouraged to discuss what next year looks like with your student. You can view the 2025-2026 course catalog and forecasting information HERE.
For students not present during forecasting, counselors will be meeting with you in the coming weeks.
Seniors – it’s scholarship season!
We have local scholarships in the Student Support Center. Come by and check them out. We currently have the following applications:
Eugene Education Association Future Educator & BIPOC Future Educator Scholarships
Eugene Police Employees Foundation Charitable Fund Scholarship
Rotary Scholarship
Masonic Lodge No. 11 Scholarship
The Singer Foundation Scholarships
Eugene Southtowne Rotary Foundation - Rotary Shaw Scholarship
Rylee Martin Memorial Scholarship
Earl Hulstrom Masonic Scholarship
OSAC Scholarship Reminders
The final deadline for the OSAC Scholarship Application was March 3rd. OSAC continues to review submitted applications. As we head into awarding season, here are some key reminders for students:
Get to Valid Status
If a student’s application requires corrections, please help them correct this promptly. The final deadline to submit corrections is March 31. However, students who make corrections after mid-March may not be considered for all selected scholarships. Students will only be considered students for scholarships once they have a “Valid” application status.
Check E-mail for Award Notifications
Selection committees will read scholarship applications and select scholarship recipients through the summer. OSAC will notify applicants who have been awarded a scholarship via email between April - August. Please remind students to check their email regularly for status updates and action items.
Please encourage your high school seniors to confirm that they will have access to the email address used in their OSAC Student Portal account after they graduate. Their 4J email address is closed after a student graduates.
Volunteer at the Relief Nursery
Churchill recommends students engage in at least 40 hours of community service during their four years at high school. The Relief Nursery offers volunteer opportunities including bus riders, classroom assistants, evening child care assistants, and helping in the kitchen and garden. They do ask their volunteers to come on a regular schedule to both ease teacher stress and to provide a routine for the children. Learn more here.
So Your Student Wants to Be an Artist?
What Is Life Like as an Art Student at PNCA?
Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 4-5 PM (PDT)
In this webinar session, PNCA (Pacific Northwest College of Art) offers parents and guardians a deeper understanding of the PNCA student experience and how to best support students on their creative journey. You’ll explore the Foundation Year curriculum, liberal arts courses, the Senior Thesis project, and much more. RSVP here.
Jakob and Sala Kryszek Art & Writing Competition
Open to Oregon and Southwest Washington students in grades 6-12, this competition encourages students to evaluate history, foster an awareness of the Holocaust, and make relevant connections to their lives. Students are invited to create a work of art or writing that demonstrates their creative reflection on the following prompt: Reflecting on Holocaust history, create a piece of writing or work of visual art that examines the plight of Holocaust refugees which could include forced deportation to ghettos, deportation to killing centers or slave labor camps, and/or post-liberation struggle for identity, survival and renewal. Submission Deadline: April 12, 2025, 2025 Submission Form, Competition Guidelines, Photography Tips
Grand prize winners will have the opportunity to select their prize: a trip to Washington D.C. to visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for themselves and a chaperone, or a trip to Los Angeles to visit the Holocaust Museum LA for themselves and a chaperone. Flights, hotels, and ground transportation will all be provided.
Join RISD in Shanghai this Summer
RISD (Rhode Island School of Design) Continuing Education returns to Shanghai this summer for the 2025 Summer Teen Art Institute. This residential program, hosted at the HD Shanghai School, connects high school students with RISD's renowned approach to art and design education. Students are immersed in a dynamic learning environment, with hands-on support to develop their skills, goals, and artistic voice. 2025 Program Dates: Full five-week Experience: July 6–August 9; Three-week Foundations Experience: July 6–26; Two-week Major Intensive: July 27–August 9. Eligibility: Rising 9–12 grade students and recent grade 12 graduates (Must be at least 14 years old at the time of the program). New students can enroll in the full five-week program or can choose to only participate in the three-week foundations experience or two-week major intensive. Returning students can continue their experience by enrolling in the two-week major intensive. Applications are reviewed on a rolling, first-come, first-served basis. If space permits, final applications will be due on May 8, 2025. Learn more and apply here.
ECMC Night
Attention Families of Juniors!
Wednesday, April 23rd, from 7-8 PM, in the CHS auditorium. Save and date and join CHS Staff for you and your Junior and learn how to prepare for your student's financial aid for college. Learn tips and tricks about FAFSA, student loans, and parent loans. More information will be distributed after spring break. This event is sponsored by the Education College Management Corporation, a nonprofit corporation providing services in support of higher education finance, they assist students and families in their efforts to plan and pay for college.
2025-2026 Common App essay prompts
For Juniors
We are happy to announce that the Common App essay prompts will remain the same for 2025–2026. Based on positive feedback from students, counselors, teachers, and colleges, we've decided to keep the essay prompts unchanged. Students will also see two changes to the optional “Additional information” questions as of August 1, 2025. First, the current “Community disruption” question will be updated to a “Challenges and circumstances” question to capture a broader range of impacts students may experience. Second, the “Additional information” question word limit will be reduced. By sharing these updates now, students will have the time they need to reflect on their personal stories and begin thinking about what they want to share with colleges. Feel free to use our essay writing resource, available in both English and Spanish, and our video tutorial breaking down each essay prompt.
Willamette University
WU continues to accept applications for fall entry from qualified and prepared students. Applications completed with all required documents by Tuesday, April 1 will receive a decision on Friday, April 11. Students applying for need-based financial aid through the FAFSA will receive the offer of financial aid at that time. WU offers Merit-based scholarships that range from $26,000 to $34,000 annually. The average scholarship offered to students admitted for 2025 is $30,000. Apply to Willamette University using the Common App: https://apply.commonapp.org/login.
Colorado School of Mines
CSM is a top-tier STEM School in Colorado – And They're Still Accepting Applications! At Colorado School of Mines, the college experience goes beyond the classroom. Located in Golden, Colorado, students will be surrounded by incredible hiking trails, climbing spots, and some of the best skiing and snowboarding in the country — all while earning a top-tier STEM degree. Students can still apply for FREE during their late application deadline — make sure to apply by April 18th. Find out more here: https://www.mines.edu/undergraduate-admissions/apply/.
RISD Pre-College this summer!
Rhode Island School of Design
Don't miss your chance to join us to live like an RISD student and work alongside hundreds of other creative, highly motivated students who will inspire you to push your limits and produce your best work. For five weeks, you’ll follow a college-level curriculum with day-long studio classes, critiques, and projects. You’ll develop crucial skills in foundation courses and build upon those skills in a major of your choice. Spaces are filling fast– apply today to secure your spot! Camp begins on June 28th and ends on August 2nd, 2025.
Win a Free Trip to Washington DC
The Congressional Art Competition is underway! Apply now for a chance to win an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C. and to have your artwork hung inside the U.S. Capitol for one year! Open to teens in grades 9 - 11 and who live in Oregon's 4th Congressional District. Learn more here.
This is a paid internship. The Office of Representative Val Hoyle (OR-04) is seeking motivated candidates for the Summer 2025 Internship program. Applications are due on April 4th, 2025. Intern responsibilities will include but are not limited to assisting staff with legislative, administrative, constituent relations, communications, and digital activities. Interns will answer phones; sort, distribute, and respond to constituent mail; lead tours of the US Capitol; attend hearings and briefings; assist with legislative research; compile daily clips; and participate in professional development activities. Successful candidates will demonstrate that they are organized, detail-oriented, and professional. Strong written and oral communication skills are essential. Learn more here.
Summer Job Opportunities
Mereté Hotels are hiring for the summer! June - August 2025 WHERE HOSPITALITY MEETS OPPORTUNITY We hire: Room Attendants, Breakfast Attendants, Front Desk Agents, Housepersons, and more! You can find us in Eugene & Springfield. At Mereté Hotel Management, we believe that a career in the hospitality industry can be both rewarding and fulfilling. Get more information or apply online now at www.meretehotels.com/careers.
The Eugene Police Cadet Program
Gain firsthand experience in law enforcement while developing leadership skills, teamwork, and confidence. Through a mix of classroom instruction, hands-on training, mentorship, and even police ridealongs; cadets get a real taste of what it’s like to work in the field. The Cadet Program meets once a week on Wednesday evenings from 5 to 8 PM at the Eugene Police Department. Cadet Program Requirements: Age: 15-20 years old. Education: High school student (grades 9-12), high school graduate, or GED program graduate, with a GPA of 2.0 or higher. Background: No arrests or convictions that would disqualify them from working as a Eugene police officer. Driver’s License: Must have or be able to get a valid driver’s license or instructional permit and maintain a good driving record. Background Check: Must pass a background investigation and interview. The Cadet Program is currently accepting applications through March 31st. Applicants will take a written test during the first week of April, with interviews scheduled for April 6th. Any applications submitted after March 31st will be considered for the next cycle in the fall. Learn more and apply!
Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors may apply (Juniors, this makes a great LEAP)
MedSplash is a two-week summer camp for students interested in health careers. What: Participants will have the opportunity to get hands-on experience with medical equipment, meet with healthcare professionals, learn about the health programs at LCC, and tour medical facilities. Who: Students currently in 9th, 10th, or 11th grades. When: Monday-Friday, June 16th-27th, from 9 AM to 4 PM. Where: Lane Community College. Cost: Participation is free! Lunch and snacks will be provided each day. Transportation assistance is available if needed. The application closes at 5 PM, Monday, March 31st. **Please note** that students will be asked to provide a letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor, or school administrator. Learn more and apply here.
Oregon State University Summer Veterinary Experience
Open to current Sophomores and Juniors 16 years old and older.
The OSU Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine Summer Veterinary Experience is a hands-on and engaging experience for academically talented high school students interested in veterinary medicine. Participants stay on the Oregon State Corvallis campus for the duration of the program. Participants will learn about college admissions and careers in the veterinary field, get to do some exciting hands-on activities, and much more! Application Closes: April 15, 2025 Camp Dates: July 27 - August 1, 2025 Program Fee: $900 Scholarship opportunities available. Learn more and apply here!
Volunteer at the Eugene Library Book Sale
- Fri., April 11 - Unload & set up books 8:30-10:30 or 10-1
- Sat., April 12 - Greet & help shoppers, re-stock books 7:30-10:00, 8:30-11:30, 11:00-2:00, or 1:30-4:30
- Sun., April 13 - BOOK SALE Greet & help shoppers, re-stock books 9:30-12:30 or 12:15-3:15 Clean up & return to warehouse 2:30-4:30
- Everyone welcome! Students: earn service hours!
- Contact: booksalevolunteer@gmail.com
Welcome to the Arts and Culture Corner, brought to you by the Arts and Culture Leadership Team. We bring news of events and opportunities related to Arts and Culture in the Churchill High School community.
Culture Corner Visual Displays
Culture Corner (outside of H20) will feature displays highlighting these monthly themes:
- April: Celebrating Neurodiversity and Autism Awareness Month
- May: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
- June: LGBTQ+ Pride Month
Please check in with Judy in H20 if you would like to contribute to Culture Corner or if you have photos or announcements for the Arts and Culture Corner.
Upcoming Opportunities
Art Club and Climate Action Club are collaborating to paint compost bins for the cafeteria. Contact Holly Albone for more details. albone_h@4j.lane.edu
Upcoming Events
- Band Concert, 3/18/25 at 7:00 pm at Churchill
- Spring Sing Vocal Invitational, Friday 4/4/25 at 5:00 pm at Churchill
Sign up for alerts when our Churchill High School students need a helping hand with essential items that aren't provided by the school, like clothing, shoes, school supplies, and food.
We Are Always Gratefully Accepting Donations!
Here’s how you can contribute and spread some kindness:
Shop from the Churchill High School Amazon Wish List to find items that our students need.
Donate to Mike's Closet or the Churchill Food Pantry. We’re currently seeking food items such as Mac and Cheese Cups, Fruit Cups, and Granola Bars, as well as toiletries like feminine hygiene products, deodorant, and body wash. Clothing donations like new socks, underwear, and sweatshirts are also greatly appreciated.
Small gift cards allow us to fill in gaps and ensure we have what we need to support our students!
Feel free to drop off any donations at Churchill’s Front Office, Attention: Mike's Closet.
Thank you for being a part of our community and for supporting our students!
Trista Neuman
15th Night Coordinator
Eugene School District 4J is committed to open communication and keeping families informed. If you are not receiving emails and text messages from the district or your student’s school, please update your contact information with your student’s school.
Do you or your child want to learn how to ride a bike?
Join 4J Safe Routes to School and partners at a free learn to ride a bike event coming up. Helmets and bikes will be provided, or bring your own.
Tuesday, April 29 from 5pm to 7pm at 4J Ed Center (200 North Monroe St, Eugene, OR)
Flyer and Facebook Event coming soon!
Remember, these events are free and are for people of ALL AGES who do not yet know how to ride a bike!
¿Quiere usted o su hijo aprender a montar en bicicleta?
Únete a 4J Safe Routes to School y sus socios en un evento gratuito para aprender a montar en bicicleta. Cascos y bicicletas serán proporcionados, o traer su propio.
Martes, 29 de abril de 5pm a 7pm en 4J Ed Center (200 North Monroe St, Eugene, OR
Folleto y evento en Facebook próximamente
¡Recuerde, estos eventos son gratuitos y son para personas de TODAS LAS EDADES que aún no saben montar en bicicleta!
SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION! Nominate a valued 4J employee or volunteer for our annual Golden Apple Awards at 4j.lane.edu/goldenapple.
Who do you appreciate? An inspiring teacher? An encouraging classified employee? An administrator who leads by example? An amazing volunteer who gives their all? Now is the time to recognize their contributions. Employees also can be nominated for the new Apple Seed award for early-career staff, the Lifetime Achievement award or the 4J Spotlight award (for individuals or teams).
NEW! Internet Safety Video Series. As part of our district's ongoing commitment to student safety and well-being, we’re excited to introduce SCREEN SENSE—a five-part video series created in partnership with the University of Oregon. The 3-minute videos are designed to help families navigate the ever-changing digital landscape and support safe, healthy internet use for school-aged children. Watch the series: 4j.lane.edu/internetsafety
📌 Topics:
✔ Online Risks
✔ Healthy Online Relationships
✔ Healthy Internet Use
✔ Cyberbullying
✔ Digital Contracts
While adults are the intended audience for this video series, they are appropriate for all ages.
Our Community News section contains information about community-sponsored events, activities, resources, and opportunities that may benefit our students and families. We do not share promotional information for for-profit organizations. Liability is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization. |
Show your support and make a lasting impact by purchasing a CLASS OF 2025 YARD SIGN as part of our fundraiser. With each purchase, you're not just adding a vibrant decoration to your lawn but also contributing to a meaningful cause.
Signs measure 24 " x16 ", are printed on one side, and come with a complimentary metal ground stake.
Signs will be available for pickup in late April. You will receive notification via email when your sign is ready.
Email churchillgradparty@gmail.com for more
Coming soon: Mother’s Day flower baskets. Look for more information after Spring Break.
We’re excited to share that Ophelia’s Place’s Spring Calendar of Activities is now available! 🌷 Our upcoming season is filled with engaging workshops, support groups, and fun activities designed to empower and support youth.
ODTI has officially opened up Summer Term registration! Below is a flyer for our upcoming Driver Education Program at/near your high school/location, although students may attend at any location offered. Due to high demand, we have also added an extra class to Churchill. We are so happy we are able to get more safe drivers on the road.
Click the links below to download the flyers.
Register for ParentSquare: ParentSquare allows you to receive important information and alerts from your student's classroom and school. Registering allows you to set your notification preferences, among many benefits. Remember to register using the email address you provided your school. Register for ParentSquare