Tuesday, April 23, 2024 / Martes 23 de abril, 2024

Today: BSU meets Tuesday during lunch in K8; NASU meets at lunch in H22; Poetry and Spoken Word Club meets at lunch in F36.
Tomorrow: Climate Action Club meets at lunch in STEM 100; Jewish Cultural Union meets in J11 during lunch; LSU meets at lunch in F46; Theatre Tech meets at 3:45 in the auditorium
Thursday: APISU meets at lunch in F55; OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books) meets at lunch in the library; Thespian Club meets at lunch in H8
Friday: Art Club meets at lunch in B1; Divergence and Disability Alliance meets at lunch in F39; FSU meets in the auditorium at lunch; WISE meets at lunch in the STEM conference room, Dungeons and Dragons Club meets from 4:00-5:00 in J27.
Earth Week
Today: Come listen to a NASU presentation about climate leaders at lunch in H22. Also, tomorrow is “Walk to School Wednesday.” If you walk, bike or carpool to school, check in at the front of the school to get entered into a raffle and get a piece of chocolate!
Tomorrow: Tomorrow is Thrifty Thursday! Wear your best thrifted outfit.
Thursday: Tomorrow, come learn how to make sustainable feminine products at lunch in the Auditorium with FSU.
Friday: Today at lunch in the auditorium, come learn how to make sustainable feminine products with FSU!
Extended Day Program
Juniors and Seniors: Are you behind on credits to graduate on time? Consider joining The Extended Day Program! The deadline is this Friday, April 26th! We offer classes in Language Arts, Social Studies, Math and Science. Dinner and transportation home from your neighborhood school are both included. See your school counselor to enroll!.
Hey Lancers, don't forget to keep working on your forecasting for next school year. The more you get accomplished in your Course Plan before tomorrow, the better shape you'll be in for scheduling. As always, come see your counselor if you have any questions.
Prom Forms
Dance forms are available in the front office for Prom. You will need to fill one out if you are bringing a guest from another school or an underclassman. They are due May 1st.
Today: Girls Tennis vs. Thurston at Thurston at 4:00, excused at 2:10; Boys Tennis vs. Thurston at Churchill at 4:00, excused at 2:45; Varsity Softball and Baseball vs. Thurston at Thurston at 5:00, excused at 2:45; JV Baseball vs. Thurston at 5:00, excused at 3:00; Girls Lacrosse vs. Roseburg at 6:30.
Tomorrow: Track and Field vs. Willamette at 3:30, excused at 2:00.
Thursday: JV Baseball vs. Crater at Crater at 5:00, excused at 11:30; Boys Tennis vs. Springfield at Springfield at 4:00, excused at 2:20; Girls Tennis vs. Springfield at 4:00, excused at 2:45; Middle School Track vs. ATA and Monroe at 3:30; Lacrosse vs. Marist at 7:00.
Friday: Track and Field Jesuit Twilight at Jesuit High School at 2:00, excused at 9:45; Lacrosse vs. Sheldon at Sheldon at 7:00.
Saturday: Girls Tennis vs. Ashland at Ashland at 1:00; Boys Tennis vs. Ashland at Ashland at 3:00; Track and Field Junction City Invitational at Junction City at 10:00; Varsity Softball vs. Thurston at Churchill at 12:00, Double Header; Varsity Baseball vs. Thurston at Churchill at 1:00, Double Header; JV Baseball vs. Thurston at Thurston at 1:00, Double Header.
Martes 23 de abril, 2024
Hoy: NASU se reúne durante almuerzo en H22; BSU se reúne en K8 durante almuerzo, Poetry and Spoken Word Club se reúne en F36 durante almuerzo.
Mañana: Jewish Cultural Union se reúne durante almuerzo en J11; Climate Action Club se reúne durante almuerzo en STEM 100; Theatre Tech se reúne a las 3:45 en el auditorio.
Jueves: APISU se reúne durante almuerzo en F55; The Divergence and Disability Alliance se reúne durante almuerzo en F37; Thespian Club se reúne durante almuerzo en H8; OBOB se reúne durante almuerzo en la biblioteca
Viernes: Art Club se reúne durante almuerzo en B1; Fiber Arts Club se reúne en F FSU se reúne durante almuerzo en el auditorio; WISE se reúne durante almuerzo en STEM conference room; Dungeons and Dragons club se reúne a las 4:00 – 5:00 en J27.
Semana de la Tierra
Hoy: venga a escuchar una presentación de NASU sobre líderes climáticos durante el almuerzo en H22. Además, mañana es el “miércoles de caminata a la escuela”. Si caminas, vas en bicicleta o compartes el auto a la escuela, regístrate en el frente de la escuela para participar en una rifa y ¡recibir un trozo de chocolate!
Mañana: ¡Mañana es jueves ahorrativo! Lleva tu mejor conjunto de segunda mano.
Jueves: Mañana, venga a aprender cómo hacer productos femeninos sostenibles durante el almuerzo en el Auditorio con FSU.
Viernes: ¡Hoy durante el almuerzo en el auditorio, venga a aprender cómo hacer productos femeninos sustentables con FSU!
Programa de jornada extendida
Juniors y Seniors: ¿Están atrasados en sus créditos para graduarse a tiempo? ¡Considere unirse al programa de jornada extendida! ¡La fecha límite es este viernes 26 de abril! Ofrecemos clases de artes del lenguaje, estudios sociales, matemáticas y ciencias. La cena y el transporte a casa desde la escuela de su vecindario están incluidos. ¡Consulta a tu consejero escolar para inscribirte!
Hola Lancers, no olviden seguir trabajando en sus pronósticos para el próximo año escolar. Cuanto más logres en tu plan de curso antes de mañana, mejor estarás para la programación. Como siempre, ven a ver a tu consejero si tienes alguna pregunta.
Formas de Prom
Los formularios de baile están disponibles en la oficina principal para el baile de graduación. Deberá completar uno si trae a un invitado de otra escuela o a un estudiante de primer año. Vencen el 1 de mayo.
Hoy: Tenis feminina contra Thurston en Thurston a las 4:00, excusan a las 2:10; tenis masculino contra Thurston en Churchill a las 4:00, excusan a las 2:45; Varsity sofbol y beisbol contra Thurston en Thurston a las 5:00; excusan a las 2:45; JV beisbol contra Thurston a las 5:00, excusan a las 3:00; Lacrosse feminina contra Roseburg a las 6:30.