Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Today: Climate Action Club meets at lunch in STEM 100; Jewish Cultural Union meets in J11 during lunch; LSU meets at lunch in F46; Theatre Tech meets at 3:45 in the auditorium
Tomorrow: APISU meets at lunch in F55; OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books) meets at lunch in the library; Thespian Club meets at lunch in H8
Friday: Art Club meets at lunch in B1; Divergence and Disability Alliance meets at lunch in F39; FSU meets in the auditorium at lunch; WISE meets at lunch in the STEM conference room, Dungeons and Dragons Club meets from 4:00-5:00 in J27.
Lancer Pageant
The Lancer Pageant is this Friday at 7pm in the churchill auditorium. We are selling tickets at lunch by the planters. Tickets are 10$ presale 15$ at the door. We really hope you can join us for a night of laughter, entertainment, and fun. All proceeds benefit our local Children's miracle Network Hospital.
Prom Forms
Dance forms are available in the front office for Prom. You will need to fill one out if you are bringing a guest from another school or an underclassman. They are due May 1st.
Plastic Bag Drive
Do you have any extra plastic bags? Want to turn them into something amazing? Donate your extra bags to the bin outside STEM 100, until Friday, so that the Climate Action Club and Fiber Arts Club can turn them into yarn.
Safety Reminder
Hey Lancers, remember when we had that safety threat at Churchill after Winter Break? And we were all doing our best to keep things safe here? Well it's time to get back to those good safety practices: this includes not propping doors open EVER, and not opening locked doors for people, even if they're your friends! Beginning later this week, any student caught propping doors or letting others into the building through locked doors will receive a referral and a consequence, like lunch detention. Please be a Lancer and help us all stay safe!
Ultimate Frisbee
CHS Ultimate Frisbee is starting! Come join practice Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45 - 5:15. Practice begins April 16th. Open to all grades and skill levels - no experience needed!
phone. So get after it and take charge, Lancers! Come to Advisory and pick your classes!
OSU Admissions Meeting
Oregon State University will be here on Friday during lunch, in the STEM conference room to meet with all admitted students. Find out your next steps and ask the rep any and all of your questions!
Unified Basketball
Unified Basketball Athletes, please return your jersey to Alia in H23 by the end of the day.
Extended Day Program
Juniors and Seniors: The Extended Day deadline is approaching fast as our 4th and final quarter of the year starts next Monday! If you are behind on credits to graduate on time, consider joining the Extended Day Credit Recovery Program where you can earn up to .75 credits per class. Classes are offered in Language Arts, Social Studies, Math and Science. Dinner and transportation home from your neighborhood school are both included. See your school counselor to enroll!
Tomorrow: Track and Field vs. Springfield and Sheldon at Springfield at 3:30, excused at 1:00; JV Baseball vs. Junction City in Junction City at 4:30, excused at 2:15; JV Softball vs. Thurston at 5:00.
Thursday: Girls Tennis vs. North Eugene at 4:00, excused at 2:20; Boys Tennis vs. North Eugene at 4:00, excused at 2:45; JV Baseball vs. Sprague at 5:00; Middle School Track at Churchill at 3:30.
Friday: JV Baseball vs. McMinnville at McMinnville at 4:30, excused at 11:30; JV Softball vs. Thurston at Thurston at 5:00.
Saturday: Track and Field Oregon Relays at HaywardField; Varsity Softball vs. Crater at 1:00, Double Header; Varsity Baseball vs. Crater at Crater at 1:00, Double Header.