Tuesday, September 13, 2022
- Wednesday: Theatre Tech meets at 3:45 in the auditorium; WISE meets at lunch in the STEM building conference room; Climate Action Club meets at lunch in STEM 100
- Thursday: Interact Club meets at lunch in F39; Thespian Club meets at lunch in H8, ASU meets at lunch in F55
Asian Student Union
ASU’s first meeting is during lunch on Thursday in room F55. Everyone is welcome!
Parking Passes
If you have paid and completed the parking contract, see Robin in the front office for your parking pass.
Upcoming College Visits:
- Monday, September 19th – Princeton University
- Tuesday, September 20th – Lane Community College
- Friday, September 23rd – Portland State University
All visits are in person at lunch in room F39
Churchill’s New Ultimate Frisbee Team
Come play for Churchill’s new ultimate frisbee team from 4-5:30 today and Thursday on the grass fields between the gym and 18th St. Open to all grades, genders and skill levels.
Women in Science and Engineering
Nerdy Science Joke of the Week: Why is it so hard to wake up in the morning? That’s because of Newton’s First Law – A body at rest wants to stay at rest. Nerdy Science Jokes is sponsored by The Women in Science and Engineering club, also known as WISE. WISE meets tomorrow at lunch in the STEM building conference room. All students are invited. Bring a friend!
Tomorrow is an Advisory day. You will see Advisory as Period 18 on your schedule. Please check the Advisory Bell schedule on our website.
Coffee Cart
CHS Coffee Cart is now open during 1st & 2nd periods. We offer all of your standard espresso drinks, tea, Italian sodas and decaf options. In addition, we carry all your non-dairy options for milk. We can be found outside the J Hall just off the main courtyard and are a cash/check-only business.
Auditions for the Fall Play
Auditions for the Fall Play, “That’s the Spirit” are today after school in the auditorium. Auditioners should prepare one 30-60 second monologue and expect to do some script reading. See Mr. Patton in H8 if you have questions.
- Today: Varsity Boys Soccer vs. Sheldon at Churchill at 6:00; JV Boys Soccer vs. Sheldon at Churchill at 4:00 Release at 2:45; JV & JV2 Volleyball vs. Thurston at Churchill at 5:30; Girls Soccer vs. Sheldon at Sheldon at 6:00 pm
- Thursday: Girls Soccer vs. Crescent Valley at Churchill at 6:00 pm; JV and Varsity Boys Soccer at Crescent Valley at 5:30 and 7:30 pm Release at 2:30; JV2, JV & Varsity Volleyball at Eagle Point Release at 12:45
- Friday: Varsity Football at Eagle Point at 7:00 Release at 11:45 am
- Saturday: Cross Country at NW Classic at L.C.C. at 1:30