Friday, October 7, 2022
Today: FSU meets at lunch in the Auditorium
Campus Safety
Doors are locked during the school day to keep our school safe. Do not open the doors for other students or prop doors open. Students must enter through the front office when other doors are locked.
Homecoming Guest Forms
Homecoming guest forms are available on the bulletin board in the front office. Each student may invite one guest from another high school to attend. Guest request forms are due back to the front office no later than Monday, October 17 at 4:00 pm.
Your library book is probably due. Please stop by the library and return it or Debbie or Jennifer will happily renew your book.
College Visits
- Today – University of San Francisco at lunch in F36
- Tuesday – Bryn Mawr College at lunch in F36
Girls Basketball
Preseason activities have started. If you are interested in playing this year and have not yet participated, see Coach Stewart in room H1 for information.
- Today: Varsity Football at Springfield at 7:00 pm
- Saturday: Varsity Girls & Boys Soccer vs. Crater at Churchill at 1 & 3 pm; Cheer at Sherwood Middle School