Monday, December 5th, 2022
GSA and BSU are meeting together today and tomorrow at lunch in K8. Come learn more about the clubs and play some games! Everyone is welcome and invited.
- Tomorrow: Art Club meets at lunch in B1; Youth Action Council meets at lunch in F36; BSU and GSA meet at lunch in K8; WISE meets at lunch in the STEM building conference room; Anime Club meets after school in F55
- Wednesday: Fun & Games Club meets at lunch in H12; Climate Action Club meets at lunch in STEM 100; Jewish Cultural Union meets at lunch in F53; Theatre Tech meets at 3:45 in the auditorium; Churchill Choral Collective meets at 3:35 in D13; Tinker Club meets after school in Stem 105.
- Thursday: Interact Club meets at lunch in F39; Thespian Club meets at lunch in H8; APISU meets at lunch in F55
- Friday: FSU meets at lunch in the Auditorium
Schedule Changes
The last day to request a schedule change for trimester 2 is this Wednesday at 4:00 pm. After that, the form will be turned off and you will no longer be able to request a schedule change. The QR codes are posted in the counseling office or on the school website under “Scheduling.” Please attend the classes listed on your schedule until it is updated.
Winter One-Act Festival Auditions
CHS Thespians will be holding auditions for the Winter One-Act Festival this Thursday at 4:00 in the choir room. No need to prepare anything, just come ready to read some dialogue. See you there!
Holiday Cheer Drive
Students are working together to provide winter food boxes and gifts for families in need at Churchill. We would appreciate donations of non-perishable foods or grocery or visa gift cards for food boxes as well as empty cans and bottles to raise funds to purchase gifts. Please bring your donations to the front office or Mrs. Henderson’s classroom, J9, between now and Friday.
College Visits
Tomorrow: Oregon Institute of Technology at lunch in F39.
- Today: Wrestling at Pleasant Hill High School at 6:00.
- Tomorrow: JV and Varsity Girls Basketball vs Sheldon at Churchill at 5:30 and 7:00; Freshman, JV and Varsity Boys Basketball vs. Sheldon at Sheldon High School at 4:00, 5:30, and 7:00.