Wednesday, December 14th, 2022
- Today: Fun & Games Club meets at lunch in H12; Climate Action Club meets at lunch in STEM 100; Jewish Cultural Union meets at lunch in F53; Theatre Tech meets at 3:45 in the auditorium; Churchill Choral Collective meets at 3:35 in D13; Tinker Club meets after school in Stem 105.
- Tomorrow: Interact Club meets at lunch in F39; Thespian Club meets at lunch in H8; APISU meets at lunch in F55
- Friday: FSU meets at lunch in the Auditorium
Free Period Stickers
If you have a free period this trimester, please see Robin in the college-and-career center to get a sticker for your student ID.
Holiday Spirit Week
- Today: Frosty the Snowman (White Out/Blizzard)
- Tomorrow: Holiday Decor Day
- Friday: Ugly Sweater Day
Senior Photos
Senior photo submissions for the yearbook are due this Friday. Guidelines are listed on the CHS website. Email your portrait to Mr. Squires at and make sure your name is included in the email. If you don’t submit a portrait, we will use your school photo from Lifetouch. Mr. Squires can help you schedule a portrait session with a yearbook student.
LEAP contracts
Seniors, your LEAP contracts are due. Please turn them in to your counselor or Mary Beth in the School-to-Career office in the STEM building. Contracts are available online, in the counseling hall in the bright yellow folder on the bulletin board, and outside the School-to-Career office in the STEM building.
Lancer Pageant
Seniors! Are you interested in being a Lancer pageant contestant? Join us for an info meeting at lunch today in F39. Attendance is mandatory to apply.
- Friday: Swimming vs. Ashland, Eagle Point, and Crater High Schools at Echo Hollow pool at 3:00, released at 1:00; Freshman, JV, and Varsity Boys Basketball vs. North Medford at North Medford High school at 5:15 and 6:45, released at lunch; Varsity Girls Basketball vs. Hillsboro at the Lakeridge Tournament at 4:00, released at lunch; Wrestling at the Central Invitational at 10:00.
- Saturday: Varsity Girls Basketball at the Lakeridge Tournament
- Sunday: Varsity Girls Basketball at the Lakeridge Tournament