Friday, December 16th, 2022
Today: FSU meets at lunch in the Auditorium
Holiday Spirit Week
Today: Ugly Sweater Day
Winter Celebrations
Here at Churchill, we want to make sure we are acknowledging and appreciating all cultures and traditions, especially during this time of year. We would like to share some winter celebrations that will be happening over the next few weeks. Today we will be talking about Kwanzaa and Ōmisoka.
Kwanzaa is a week-long celebration, from December 26th to January 1st, of community, connecting with ancestors and appreciating African culture. Each of the seven days of Kwanzaa represents a different principle and is celebrated by lighting a candle, reflecting on the daily principle, sharing food, and honoring ancestors and culture. The seven principles of Kwanzaa are: Umoja (Unity,) Kujichagulia (Self Determination,) Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility,) Ujamaa (cooperative Economics,) Nia (Purpose,) Kuumba (Creativity,) and Imani (Faith.)
Ōmisoka is one of the most important Japanese holidays with many rituals completed throughout the last day of the year in order to have a fresh start to the new year. These rituals can include: cleaning, sharing a special dinner with family and friends, visiting temples, and eating a last meatloaf toshikoshi-soba at 11 pm.
Cookie Decorating
There will be cookie decorating today during lunch by the student planters. All students are invited!
Lost & Found
All lost and found items are located on a table in the student lounge. Any items left unclaimed will be donated after school today.
Free Period Stickers
If you have a free period this trimester, please see Robin in the college-and-career center to get a sticker for your student ID.
Senior Photos
Senior photo submissions for the yearbook are due today. Guidelines are listed on the CHS website. Email your portrait to Mr. Squires at and make sure your name is included in the email.
LEAP contracts
Seniors, your LEAP contracts are due. Please turn them in to your counselor or Mary Beth in the School-to-Career office in the STEM building. Contracts are available online, in the counseling hall in the bright yellow folder on the bulletin board, and outside the School-to-Career office in the STEM building.
- Today: Swimming vs. Ashland, Eagle Point, and Crater High Schools at Echo Hollow pool at 3:00, released at 1:00; Freshman, JV, and Varsity Boys Basketball vs. North Medford at North Medford High school at 5:15 and 6:45, released at lunch; Varsity Girls Basketball vs. Hillsboro at the Lakeridge Tournament at 4:00, released at lunch; Wrestling at the Central Invitational at 10:00.
- Tomorrow: Varsity Girls Basketball at the Lakeridge Tournament.
- Sunday: Varsity Girls Basketball at the Lakeridge Tournament.