Friday, January 6, 2023
Today: FSU meets at lunch in the Auditorium
Happy Birthday Mr. Sterling!
Today is Mr. Sterling’s birthday. Please wish him a happy birthday if you see him today!
Lancers Girls Lacrosse
Pre-season practice starts today! Practice is held most Tuesdays and Fridays until February. Please contact the office for a full list of practices. Everyone is welcome, no experience is needed. We will meet at the wall behind the gym by the football field.
Schedule Changes
The last day to drop a class without a withdrawal (WD) on your transcript is this upcoming Tuesday, January 10th at 3:00 pm. Contact your counselor before this date if you need to drop a class. Any requests made after the deadline will require withdrawal paperwork and will result in a WD on your transcript.
Mind Body Divergence Alliance
The Mind Body Divergence Alliance is a new affinity group for students who identify as neurodivergent (ADHD, Autism, learning disabilities, etc.) and students with physical differences and conditions. Come join us in the conference room, F39, next Friday during lunch. Neurodiversity is a normal difference in the human population, rather than a disorder that needs to be fixed.
Library Books
Any library books you borrowed before break are now due. Please stop by the library to renew or return them and pick up some fun new reads!
- Today: Swimming vs. Thurston High School at Willamalane at 4:00, released at 2:00; Girls JV and Varsity Basketball vs Mcminnville High School at Churchill at 5:00 and 7:00.
- Tomorrow: Wrestling Invitational at Pleasant Hill High School at 10:00.