Friday, January 27, 2023
Today: FSU meets at lunch in the Auditorium; Mind Body Divergence Alliance meets in F39 during lunch.
Lancer Pageant 3v3
Are you interested in playing basketball and supporting kids in the hospital? The Lancer pageant is hosting a 3v3 basketball tournament tomorrow at 4:00. Come to the planters at lunch today to sign up to play, a team of up to 5 people is 20$. Tickets to the game are $3 or $5 at the door. All proceeds benefit the Children’s Miracle Network.
Spring Sports Registration
Registration for Spring athletics is open. All students planning on participating in Baseball, Softball, Track and Field, or Tennis must meet the following requirements: register on FamilyID, have a current physical on file, provide insurance information, be enrolled in 2.0 credits, and passed 2.0 credits the previous trimester, pay the participation fee and be in good standing from previous sport (all 4J-issued gear returned.) The first practice date is February 27th.
ASVAB Military Entrance Exam
Are you interested in joining the military? The ASVAB military entrance exam will be given on Wednesday, February 15th from 1:00-3:30 pm at Churchill. The test is free and includes a career exploration session. See Mary Beth in the School-to-Career office for more information and to sign up.
Youth Trades Academy
Hey, Juniors and Seniors! Are you interested in the building trades like carpentry, sheet metal work, and electrical work? Then sign up for the Youth Trades Academy. Look for the trades academy flyers on the School-to-Career bulletin boards or see Mary Beth in the School-to-Career office for more information.
Senior Photos
Seniors – please come to the front office by the end of today to review your yearbook photo. If any changes need to be made, contact Mr. Squires at
Today: Freshman, JV, and Varsity Boys Basketball vs. Ashland at 4:30, 6:00, and 7:30; JV and Varsity Girls Basketball at Ashland High School at 5:00 and 6:30, excused at 12:15; Swimming at Cottage Grove at 4:15, excused at 2:00.
Tomorrow: Cheer Pacer Invitational at Lakeridge High School; Wrestling Cottage Grove Invitational at Cottage Grove High School at 10:00.