Wednesday, February 1, 2023
- Today: Climate Action Club meets at lunch in STEM 100; Fun & Games Club meets at lunch in H12; NASU meets during lunch in F39; Churchill Choral Collective meets at 3:35 in D13; Theatre Tech meets at 3:45 in the auditorium; Tinker Club meets after school in Stem 105.
- Tomorrow: APISU meets at lunch in F55; Interact Club meets at lunch in F39; Jewish Cultural Union meets at lunch in F53; Thespian Club meets at lunch in H8.
- Friday: FSU meets at lunch in the Auditorium; Mind Body Divergence Alliance meets in F39 during lunch.
Black History Month
Today marks the start of Black History Month. Today’s Black fact is about Langston Hughes, who was one of the most famous poets. Born February 1, 1902, Hughes came from the Harlem Renaissance, the early stages of the Black Arts Movement. Hughes was well known in the streets of Harlem, making him one of the greatest poets of all time. Before his death in 1967, he wrote fifteen collections of poetry, two autobiographies, and seven collections of short stories, as well as other juvenile books and translations.
Oregon Promise and OSAC Scholarship Application Workshop
Seniors – the Oregon Promise and OSAC Scholarship application workshop is today from 3:45-5:00 in F36. Bring your computer and get help from OSAC staff. Snacks will be provided. This is too important to miss!
Winter Formal
Winter Formal is happening on Saturday the 11th from 7:30-10 pm in the cafeteria. Tickets will be sold in the student lounge at lunch and at the door. Tickets are $6 with ASB, $8 without ASB, and $10 at the door. The theme is Cupid’s Masquerade.
Formal Wear Donation & Swap
Do you have a dress or formal wear clothing you don’t need anymore? Want to donate it to a student in need or swap your item for another? Join us tomorrow during lunch in J9 for our first ever formal wear donation and swap event. Free!
We will be handing out coats at Mike’s Closet before 1st period all this week from 8:00 until 8:25.
Seussical Auditions
Auditions for CHS Thespians’ spring musical, Seussical, will be held on February 8th at 4:00 in the choir room. All CHS students are welcome to audition. Prepare an approximately one-minute audition piece of your choice from any musical. Callbacks for potential leads will be on February 9th. All who audition will be cast! If you have any questions, contact Mr. Patton at or go see him in H8. See you there!
GED Practice Tests
Seniors – For those of you who need to take GED practice Tests for graduation credit, please plan to come to the Career Center this Friday between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm to take your tests. This is a great opportunity for you to complete these credits and put yourself on track for graduation. The counselors will provide pizza to help you get through the exams. Bring your computer and see you Friday!
- Today: Wrestling vs. Springfield and Elmira at Churchill at 6:00, Senior Night.
- Friday: Swimming vs. Willamette at Echo Hollow Pool at 3:00, Senior Night.
- Saturday: Wrestling Sherwood Invitational at Sherwood High School at 10:00