Friday, February 24, 2023
Today: FSU meets at lunch in the Auditorium; Mind Body Divergence Alliance meets in F39 during lunch.
Black History Month
On this day in 1864, Rebecca Lee Crumpler became the first black woman to receive an M.D. degree. She graduated from the New England Female Medical College. In 1883, she released Book of Medical Discourses — one of the very first medical books written by an African-American, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. She joined other black physicians caring for freed slaves who would otherwise have had no access to medical care, working with the Freedmen’s Bureau, and missionary and community groups, even though black physicians experienced intense racism working in the postwar South.
OSAC Scholarship Application
Seniors- the deadline for the OSAC scholarship application is Wednesday, March 1st at 5:00 pm.
Trimester 3 Schedules
Attention students, please check your Tri 3 schedule. If your schedule has errors, please use the Schedule Change Form to request a change. The Change Form opens on Monday on the Churchill website, and the QR code is posted by the counseling offices and in the halls. The Master Schedule of classes is posted near the counseling offices if you need to find out when a course is offered.
Enter the requested change only once, then keep checking your Student/Vue and 4j email to see if the change has been made, or if your counselor has a question. Again, a change may be requested only for an error, such as a missing or incorrect course. Changes will not be made simply for a student to be with friends or to change teachers in the same subject area.
CHS Band Can and Bottle Drop Fundraiser
Churchill Band is holding a can and bottle drop in the front parking lot tomorrow. Please bring any cans or bottles that have a 10-cent deposit tomorrow between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm. Proceeds go to the Churchill High School Band. Cash donations can also be made as well.
Senior Graduation Credits
Important information for Seniors! Be sure to check your Tri 3 schedules carefully to make certain you have the courses and credits you need for graduation. Be sure you are on track to complete your LEAP packet and have scheduled your LEAP interview with Mary Beth or your counselor. All packets and interviews are due April 10, which is about five weeks from now. These are state graduation requirements!
Additionally, if you are planning to attend college or trade school, make sure you are taking the courses required for admission.
All students who are participating in school sports are required by OSAA to be enrolled and passing 2.0 credits for both the trimester before your sport AND the trimester during your sport. This affects athletes for all spring sports AND next year’s fall sports, including football, volleyball, and soccer. If you are not scheduled for 2.0 credits during both of those trimesters, use the Schedule Change form to add enough classes for you to meet this participation requirement.
- Today: JV and Varsity Girls Basketball vs. Ashland postponed; Freshman, JV, and Varsity Boys Basketball vs. Ashland postponed; Wrestling OSAA Championships at the Memorial Coliseum at 8:30.
- Tomorrow: Wrestling OSAA Championships at the Memorial Coliseum at 9:00.