Friday, April 21, 2023
Today: FSU and Climate Action Club meet at lunch in the Auditorium; Mind Body Divergence Alliance meets in F39 during lunch.
Earth Week
Today at lunch in the auditorium, FSU and Climate Action Club will be making reusable beauty products and talking about how climate change affects women.
Today’s positive climate news: The first-ever vaccine for honey bees has been approved in an attempt to slow their decline.
Course Requests Week
Next week is Course Request Week. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday will be Advisory schedule days, and Tuesday will be a double-assembly schedule.
- ALL STUDENTS: You will need to use your student computer to select your classes for next year. Remember to bring your student computer to school every day next week. It is important to attend these Advisory lessons so that you can request the classes you want to take next year.
- SENIORS: Advisory lessons will be designed to help seniors navigate the end of their senior year. There will be a senior class meeting during the double assembly on Tuesday to talk about graduation. If you do not have a 2nd-period class, plan to join us in the cafeteria at 10:40 on Tuesday.
Unified Basketball
Final practice is this next Thursday from 12:50-12:10. The game is this next Friday, April 28th, against Sheldon from 6:30-8 at Churchill. This is senior recognition night, and guests from the University of Oregon will be coming.
Lancer Pageant
Lancer Pageant tickets are sold during lunch today at the planters for $10. The pageant is tonight at 7:00. Tickets will be $15 at the door. All proceeds benefit the Children’s Miracle Network.
Attention students who have submitted and have an approved guest request form for prom. You must accompany your guest during check-in on the night of prom to be admitted. In addition, all students, including guests, must show their student or government ID or StudentVue to be admitted. Prom is tomorrow, from 8:00 to 11:00 at Gerlinger Hall at the University of Oregon.
Prom Tickets
Prom Tickets will be sold for $35 each, and $60 for two during the planters today at lunch. Tickets will also be sold at the door.
Prom Pop-Up Shop
Going to Prom? In need of an outfit? Come look through our collection of formal wear attire! We have dresses, suits, ties, shoes, etc! Our pop-up shop will be open during lunch and after school today in J9. Everything is FREE!
Today: Boys Tennis Bigfoot Tournament at Eugene Swim and Tennis Club time TBD; Track and Field Oregon Relays at Hayward Field at 10:00.
Tomorrow: Varsity Softball vs. Crater at Churchill High School at 1:00; Varsity Baseball vs. Crater at Churchill at 1:00; Boys Tennis Bigfoot Tournament at Eugene Swim and Tennis Club, time TBD; Track and Field Oregon Relays at Hayward Field at 10:00.