Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Today: LSU meets at lunch in F46; Art Club meets at lunch in B1; Jewish Cultural Union meets in J11 during lunch; Climate Action Club meets at lunch in STEM 100; Theatre Tech meets at 3:45 in the auditorium
Tomorrow: Thespian Club meets at lunch in H8; The Divergence and Disability Alliance meets at lunch in F37; APISU meets at lunch in F55; Art Club meets at lunch in B1
Friday: FSU and NASU meet in the auditorium at lunch; WISE meets at lunch in the STEM conference room; Dungeons and Dragons Club meets from 4:00 – 5:00 in J27.
One-Act Festival Auditions
Auditions for the annual Winter One-Act Festival are this Monday, December 4 at 4:00 PM in the choir room. If you have ever wanted to perform on the Churchill stage, this is a fantastic place to start. There is no prior preparation needed and all who audition will be cast. If you are at all interested and have questions, please come see Mr. Patton in H8. Break a leg!
Native American Heritage Month
What do you get when you combine a road trip, talented actors, and a touching tale of self discovery that is wise but also funny? The movie “Smoke Signals”! Based on the short stories of Sherman Alexie, this wonderful film is brought to you by NASU and will be showing in h32 this week in honor of Native American Heritage Month and a week of celebrating Native Excellence. Come join us for some popcorn and laughs!
Also happening this week: tomorrow, at lunch near the planters, please come check out information on the nine federally recognized tribes of Oregon! Identify some key facts about Native communities in Oregon and get a prize! And on Friday, join NASU and FSU members in a collaborative lunchtime gathering in h32 to recognize shared causes.
P/NP Classes
If you are interested in taking a class as P/NP, you must complete a Google form with your teacher or counselor no later than 4:00 pm on 12/1. Please check in with your counselor about the consequence of a P/NP on your transcript before making a final decision as all P/NP contracts are final and you cannot request a letter grade once the form is submitted.
Blood Drive
Do you want to save lives? If so, come sign up for the upcoming Blood Drive hosted by the Health Services Pathway this Friday! You can sign up and get more info at the planters during lunch today. You must be 16 or older and need your ID to donate.
Today: Freshman, JV, and Varsity Boys Basketball vs. Willamette at Churchill at 4:30, 6:00 and 7:30; Varsity Girls Basketball vs. Roseburg at Roseburg at 6:45.
Tomorrow: JV2 Boys Basketball vs. Lincoln at Churchill at 5:30.
Friday: Varsity Girls Basketball vs. Lincoln at Churchill at 5:00; Swimming Relays vs. Willamalane at 3:30, excused at 1:30; Wrestling Dawson Tournament at Harrisburg at 10:00; Freshman, JV, and Varsity Boys Basketball vs. Bend in Bend at 5:30 and 7:00; excused at 1:30.