Posts 101-111 of 111

Ice Cream Social 2022
Welcome Back to School Ice Cream Social!
Friday, September 9th, 5:30–6:30 pm in the Churchill Courtyard
We are excited to welcome our students back to campus and want to celebrate by hosting an
December 13, 2023

Fall Play Auditions: That’s the Spirit
CHS Thespians are proud to announce auditions for our Fall Play: That’s the Spirit by Tim Kelly.
Where: CHS Auditorium
When: Tuesday, September 13, 4:00 pm
What: Prepare a 30–60-second monologue,
December 13, 2023

Family Bulletin, August 30, 2022
Hello, Churchill families and students,
As the first day of school quickly approaches, I wanted to send a quick note to say welcome, and I know myself, and all the staff here at Churchill High
December 14, 2023

Back-to-School 2022
Back-to-School Days are August 25 and 26, 9:00 am–12:00 pm
The school office will close at 12:00 pm on both days for processing.
This year, ALL STUDENTS must return their student computer from
December 20, 2023

Fall Athletic Registration 2022–2023
Register now for fall sports!
Click here to register.
Saturday, August 13 is the last day to submit your online registration for fall sports.
Don’t forget your sports physical. A paper copy of
December 13, 2023

Fall Athletic Registration 2022–2023
December 11, 2023

Family Bulletin, June 13, 2022
December 11, 2023

CHS School Climate Survey
December 11, 2023

Family Bulletin, June 6, 2022
December 11, 2023

Caring for School Laptops
The safest place to use and store the laptop is on a flat, clear, stable surface like a table or desk.
Do not place the laptop on a surface where someone (including pets) might walk on it, kick
December 14, 2023

NASU Invitation
The Native American Student Union is starting meetings soon. Here is an invitation video from the NASU staff adviser, Joe
December 19, 2023