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Family Bulletin, October 27, 2023

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

Churchill Families,

October is coming to a close and November is right around the corner.  This also means Mid-terms are coming up soon, the Fall Play opens next weekend, Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences are happening the week of Thanksgiving, Winter Sports starts next week, and many more wonderful things are happening at CHS.  It’s a busy time of year for sure!

This year each high school will be doing Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences for the first time in a long time on Nov. 20th – 22nd.  Please be on the lookout for additional information soon in your emails, from your student’s teachers, and on our website about what will be happening on each day, the times to sign up for conferences with your student’s teachers, as well as other information.   It will be a great time to connect and continue to support your students. 

Finally, we will be having a Fall Festival on the afternoon of October 31st from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. for our students.  Our ASB Leadership students and teacher have created a wonderful event filled with activities, an obstacle course, a costume contest, and lots of fun!  It will be a great time for students and staff!

Go, Lancers!!


Missy Cole, Principal



Monday, 10/30

A Day

Tuesday, 10/31

B Day


Wednesday, 11/1

C Day

Thursday, 11/2

A Day

Friday, 11/3

B Day


Tuesday, October 31   Fall Festival Bell Schedule (Bell Schedules)
  Period 7 Fire Drill
Wednesday, November 1 2:30 PM Office closes at 2:30 for staff meeting
November 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 7:00 PM Churchill Thespians Present Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”
NOVEMBER 6 – 10   3-day School Week: A B C
 Monday, November 6   Winter Athletics Registration Due
  Period 3 Fire Drill
Wednesday, November 8   Club Fair (during Advisory class)
Thursday, November 9   NO CLASSES — Midterm Grading Day
Friday, November 10   SCHOOL CLOSED — Veterans Day observed


Churchill Student News

Halloween Costume Expectations

Students are encouraged to express themselves by wearing Halloween costumes on Tuesday, October 31st. Costumes must follow the 4J district and CHS dress codes as outlined in the Student Handbook. Costumes must not distract from learning. No masks may be worn. No weapons of any kind may be brought to school, including any fake, toy, or prop weapons. Finally, be creative and have fun!  There will also be a Halloween Costume Contest during the Fall Festival.


Tuesday, October 31, 2023: Fall Festival Bell Schedule

Our Churchill students will have the opportunity to participate in some fall fun festivities on Halloween! Our annual Fall Festival is taking place at the end of the day on Tuesday, October 31. Students can choose from a variety of fun activities. There will be face painting, pumpkin painting, tie dye, karaoke, a photo booth, a costume contest, and more!

B Day  
Period 0 7:50 AM – 8:25 AM
Period 5 8:30 AM – 9:35 AM
Period 6 9:45 AM – 10:50 AM
Period 7 11:00 AM – 12:05 PM
Lunch 12:10 PM – 12:40 PM
Period 8 12:45 PM – 1:50 PM
Festival 1:55 PM – 3:30 PM


The Tempest

CHS Thespians’ fall play, William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”, is opening this Thursday, November 2 with additional performances on November 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11. Set on a space station somewhere in the future, come and be thrilled by this classic tale of magic, love, revenge, and the willingness to forgive. Tickets are $10 for adults and only $7 for students. Curtains are at 7:00 pm. You can purchase your tickets from any CHS Thespian, using the QR Code found on our posters, or even just at the doors.

The Tempest Poster  


From the College & Career Center

Upcoming College Visits:

  • Monday, October 30 — Pacific University
  • Wednesday, November 1st — US Marines Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
  • Thursday, November 2nd — Southern Oregon University
  • Friday, November 3rd — Oregon Air National Guard



Introducing the NEW AND IMPROVED College & Career Center Instagram!!

Find information on scholarships, financial aid, upcoming events, resources, volunteer opportunities, and a whole lot more. It’s one-stop shopping for your college & career planning needs.

Instagram for Churchill


College & Career Extravaganza is coming!!

  • When: Wednesday, November 15, 2023
  • What time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
  • Where: Churchill High School Campus
  • What is the Extravaganza? Your opportunity to attend workshops on financial Aid, scholarships, options beyond high school, essay writing, resume building, getting hired for your future, job search strategies, understanding the trades and apprenticeships, financial literacy for high school students, and a whole lot more.

All grades and families are welcome.



You may have heard that the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and Oregon Student Aid Application (ORSAA) will be changing for 2024-25. Due to the intense behind-the-scenes programming, the FAFSA will not open until sometime in December. ORSAA will open as soon as possible, but most likely in December as well. Stay tuned as we will share further information and details as we get them.

You can still create your FSA ID (username and password) now so you are prepared once the FAFSA opens in December. It’s very important to create an FSA ID for each FAFSA contributor PRIOR TO completing the FAFSA. Families who attempt to create FSA IDs at the time of FAFSA completion will not experience the benefits of the simplified FAFSA. It takes three days to verify the identity of FSA ID applicants, which means that individuals who have yet to be verified will have to complete additional questions by hand.


But the good news is, the Oregon Promise Application is open now! The Oregon Promise is funding from the State of Oregon that helps students pay tuition at any Oregon Community College. The application is not long, but students must fill out the FAFSA or ORSAA when it is available to be considered. We recommend that you fill out the Oregon Promise application even if going to a community college is not your first choice.  We don’t want you to miss deadlines! For more information and to apply go to: 



6th Annual Seattle Black College Expo

Meet with Colleges – Bring transcripts to get ACCEPTED on the spot

Join us for our 6th Annual Seattle Black College Expo on Saturday, November 4th at Rainier Beach High School. High School Juniors and Seniors and College Transfer Students meet one-on-one with HBCUs, other colleges, universities, and educational programs. Get answers right on the spot.  EVERYONE is Welcome… The Expo is for Students of ALL Ages.

  • Get accepted on the SPOT, students bring your transcripts and ACT or SAT test scores (high school juniors and seniors)
  • College Transfer Students this is a great opportunity for you to get accepted on the spot! Bring your transcripts from all colleges that you have attended
  • Scholarships on the  SPOT
  • Applications fees waived

Black College Expo™ is from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. There will be entertainment, featuring a Scholarship Presentation, Entertainment, Cash Giveaways, and a special “Dance Off” for Cash hosted by our Celebrity Ambassadors.

Oregon Promise

OPG Handout _ENG

Oregon Promise page 2 Oregon Promise Page 1

 OPG Handout _SPN

Oregon Promise page 2 Spanish Oregon Promise Page 1 Spanish


Career and College Opportunities in the Community

West Point Admissions Meeting Flyer Nov. 2023

West Point Admissions Meeting Flyer


Edited.HSC Flyer Only Hands on Fall 2023 copy

Hands on Career Exploration




RTEC 101 Poster  




Activism Internship Flyer


Lane Youth Transportation Advisory Council-2

Lane Youth Advisory Court Flyer


Lane Community College has a free college readiness class available for Seniors! This class at LCC will be held in person on their main campus.  Over the span of 5 weeks students will learn the basics of what LCC has to offer including resources and degrees, how to transfer to a 4-year university, and how to navigate the world of scholarships and financial aid information. The deadline for student registration for the session beginning November 1st is November 1st. For more information and to find more sessions visit

Code OR Create – Do you know a high school student interested in website design, coding, graphic design, or game design? Register them for CodeOrCreate – no experience needed! It’s FREE. Students work with a professional mentor from the local tech community. Sponsored by


CodeOrCreate (PDF)

Code or Create Flyer


When? Dec. 8th – 10th at Spark at Booth-Kelly in Springfield. For fun and learning, plus Seniors can use this event (with verification) as a LEAP. Register here:  

  • (closes Nov. 27th).
  • What to expect: Friday, 8th: Challenges released at noon + Half work day (virtual); Saturday, 9th: Full work day at Spark on 7th with help from mentors; Sunday, 10th: Half work day + Presentation Prep + Showcase at 12pm at Spark at Booth-Kelly.

3D Modeling Workshops

Workshops are scheduled on no-school days as a child-care alternative for Middle and High school-aged youth.

Workshops are a great way to engage your child on their no-school days. Workshop fees cover lunch, snacks, beverages, and all the necessary equipment and supplies. Workshops are scheduled on no-school days for Eugene School District 4J, Springfield Public School, & Bethel School District. Register here.


Grad Party Fundraiser

Attention Churchill HS Senior Parents: We need your help to plan and fundraise for the Churchill HS 2024 Grad Party. Please come to our next grad party meeting this Monday, October 23 @ 7 p.m. in the library. The grad party’s first fundraiser begins today. Consider ordering and purchasing a holiday wreath and garland for your home, friends, co-workers, or family. If you would like more information or would like to become involved with the CHS 2024 grad party please attend our next grad party meeting or contact Please see the wreath and garland fundraiser pdf attachment for order and purchase information.


CHS 2024 grad party wreath flyer (PDF)

website picture14



4J Community News

4J Neurodiversity Parent/Student Town Hall


4J Neurodiversity ParentStudent Town Hall (PDF)

 Neurodiversity Poster  

Help Us Clear the Air at School

We are pleased to share good news regarding our district’s commitment to creating a healthier environment for our staff and students. Recently, our school board passed a No Idling policy.

What does this mean for you? When you’re waiting to pick up your students from school, we kindly request that you turn off your car’s engine. This action may seem small, but it can make a big difference.

Why No Idling?

  • Improved Air Quality: Idling cars emit harmful pollutants that can irritate children’s developing lungs and put them at risk for respiratory issues like asthma. By turning off vehicles at arrival and dismissal, we can significantly improve the air quality around our school.
  • Environmental Impact: Did you know that if all of us stop idling for just five minutes a day, it’s equivalent to taking half a million cars off the road?
  • Save money! Most people waste 1-2 entire tankfuls of gas each year by idling.  

Myth Busted: Some believe that turning off and restarting your car’s engine uses more gas or harms the engine. The truth is, idling for more than 30 seconds uses more fuel than restarting the engine, and frequent restarting doesn’t harm the engine.

By joining our “Idle-Free Zone,” you are contributing to a cleaner and safer environment for our children and the community. We appreciate your support and participation in this initiative.


Ayúdenos a limpiar el aire en la escuela

Nos complace compartir buenas noticias sobre el compromiso de nuestro distrito de crear un entorno más saludable para nuestro personal y nuestros alumnos. Recientemente, nuestro consejo escolar aprobó una política de No Ralentí.

¿Qué significa esto para usted? Cuando esté esperando para recoger a sus estudiantes de la escuela, le pedimos amablemente que apague el motor de su coche. Esta acción puede parecer pequeña, pero puede marcar una gran diferencia.

¿Por qué no ir al ralentí?

  • Mejora la calidad del aire: Los coches al ralentí emiten contaminantes nocivos que pueden irritar los pulmones en desarrollo de los niños y exponerlos a problemas respiratorios como el asma. Apagando los vehículos a la llegada y a la salida, podemos mejorar significativamente la calidad del aire alrededor de nuestro colegio.
  • Impacto medioambiental: ¿Sabías que si todos dejáramos de circular al ralentí sólo cinco minutos al día, equivaldría a retirar de la circulación medio millón de coches?
  • ¡Ahorra dinero! La mayoría de la gente gasta entre 1 y 2 cisternas enteras de gasolina al año por estar al ralentí.  

Mito desmentido: Algunos creen que apagar y volver a encender el motor de tu coche consume más gasolina o daña el motor. La verdad es que dejar el coche al ralentí durante más de 30 segundos consume más combustible que volver a arrancarlo, y hacerlo con frecuencia no daña el motor.

Al unirse a nuestra “Zona sin ralentí”, está contribuyendo a un entorno más limpio y seguro para nuestros hijos y la comunidad. Agradecemos su apoyo y participación en esta iniciativa.


Good Trouble

Good Trouble Poster

Good Trouble Poster


Eugene Parent Support Space

A peer-support space for caregivers and parents of LGBTQ2SIA+ and questioning kids in the Eugene area.

Meetings are in the Sheldon High School Library on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. To request childcare, contact Lisa at 541-517-4775 or

Support Space  


Community News

Sing with the Oregon Children’s Choir!

The Oregon Children’s Choir welcomes 1st – 12th graders to join one of our fun and inspiring choirs for the 2023-2024 school year! Develop new singing techniques,  learn new songs, and make new friends. Choirs meet once per week and perform four concerts per year. Scholarships and sibling discounts are available. Registration and information at

Ophelia’s Place

Ophelia’s Place has some fantastic fall activities lined up. Take a look. If you have any questions or need more info about specific events, just shoot us a message. We’re here to help.

To check all our activities, visit 

Community Events and Resources